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Would you like to start your busy days with ease, joy, and energy?

  • This morning routine will help you get ready for any day, but busy and stressful  days in particular.


  • I provided you a sequence of easy practices that will take care of your body, mind, and soul right at the beginning of your day so you can start with a calm and positive mindset.


  • You will be energized yet mentally calm with this routine. The more you practice it, the more divine it will feel.


  • You can decide how long or short you want to make your practice. You can even add other activities to it if you eventually decide to do so. 



It’s the perfect routine to give yourself some love and a space to clear your mind, getting it ready to take on your day with more ease. 

Nourishing Morning Routine


I needed to regain my passion for life and my purpose, so I started a journey to health through nutrition and wellness practices that I learned through discipline and self-study. In between, I had different jobs, schedules, and responsibilities. I worked and traveled as a Yacht Stewardess for a few years, then back to Pharmacy as a Manager in a compounding pharmacy! Quite the time of my life :)


Eventually, my journey led me to study and get certified as a Health Coach. Through it, I help other women who are looking for a balanced life where body, mind, and soul connect to bring out their vibrancy, have optimal health, and feel joy every day.


Fine-tuning my days and lifestyle so I could have that balance, completely changed my life. Now I want to help others do the same.

About me...

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My name is Gina Suarez, and I’m a Health Coach for women in Healthcare.


After several years of working as a Pharmacist in a very stressful environment and having a very unhealthy lifestyle, I started experiencing many health issues along with an emotional decline that left me drained and with a feeling of unfulfillment.

Ready for nourishing mornings?




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Please note that this guide is designed for educational purposes only. The information should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment – it is not intended to replace professional medical advice. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a doctor or equivalent health professional




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